Museum of Contemporary Art (MuHKA)
Antwerp, Belgium
April 17th – June 13th 1999

Exhibition of sculptures, inkjetprints, documentary film & architectural film

The exhibition

The project is based on six autonomous, untitled sculptures which when taken together are called States of Humanity. Each object lends form to one particular aspect, a State of Humanity. The sculptures will be presented in a space surrounded by a quadrophonic soundscape, film projections and inkjet prints. This exhibition will travel within Europe and in the United States.

The architectural film

A sculpture is surrounded by three transparent film screens (10 x 13 feet each). On each screen is a different film projected with short quotations taken from the interviews Alex Vermeulen did with fifty-five very different New Yorkers on the sculptures that form States of Humanity. The duration of each film is different (7, 9 and 11 minutes). By repeating each film, the combination of the three will never the same; it will be a constantly changing “dialogue”…

By moving through the installation, the audience will experience a three-dimensional film , a combination of three different films and the sculpture (seen through the transparent film screens). The visitor is physically part of the film. The whole installation is surrounded by a quadraphonic sound composition.
Because all the different elements complete the experience of a three-dimensional film, this experiment is called an Architectural film.